This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the graphical interface, documentation and the main modeling steps. Concepts are illustrated using a tunnel excavation example, from building the model geometry to results analysis. This introductory course provides the foundation for more advanced use of the software, which can be covered in more specific training modules.
The Mohr-Coulomb joint model has the following deficiencies when used to model seismicity in jointed models.
For modeling seismicity, the Softening Healing Mohr-Coulomb model is now available. It is based on the standard Mohr-Coulomb model with two additions.
There is no softening or healing for the tensile forces. The tensile strength drops instantaneously when the strength is exceeded (i.e., no softening) and the tensile strength remains at the residual value (i.e., no healing). Dilation (ψ) behaves in the same way as cohesion or friction.
For a non-slipping joint, the value of cohesion and friction are the peak values. When the strength is exceeded, the strength is a function of the slip distance. When the slip distance exceeds the critical slip distance, the residual values of cohesion and friction are used. Two formulations, linear and non-linear, for the evolution of shear strength are available. For the non-linear formulation, an exponent (α > 1) dictates the severity of the strength drop.
The Bilinear Mohr-Coulomb Joint Model has two different shear strength envelopes. The failure envelope changes when a critical level of normal stress is exceeded. By default, the normal stress threshold is automatically calculated at the intersection of the two failure envelopes, but the user may override this default and specify any value.
Both the peak and residual shear strengths can have bilinear envelopes and there may be different normal stress thresholds for the peak and the residual. It is also possible to specify two different values of dilation, such that dilation angle changes when the residual normal stress threshold is exceeded. If a dilation angle for the high normal stress (ψ2) is not given, its value defaults to the dilation of the low stress region (ψ1).
The creep behavior in a discontinuity is of a different nature depending on the joint surface (planar or rough) and on the filling material (gauge).
To simulate creep due to the filling material, 3DEC uses an adaptation of Norton’s law — commonly used to model the creep behavior of soft rocks subjected to a shear load — for the joint elements.
The Power-Law-Creep joint model in 3DEC is characterized by a visco-elasto-plastic behavior in the shear direction and an elasto-plastic behavior in the normal direction. The visco-elastic and plastic elements are assumed to act in series. The visco-elastic behavior corresponds to a Norton’s law. The plastic behavior corresponds to a Mohr-Coulomb joint model.
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