

A bounding surface plasticity model recently updated based on cyclic simple shear tests of UC Berkeley (Wu, 2003). An option to apply residual strength Sr is available for the user. The Sr can be applied at a user selected pore pressure ratio Ru.


  • bounding surface
  • critical state
  • effective stress
  • liquefaction
  • plastic


Wang, Z.L., Dafalias, Y.F. & Shen, C.K. 1990. Bounding surface hypoplasticity model for sand. J. Eng. Mech., ASCE, 116 (5), 983-1001.

Wang, Z.L. & Ma, F.G. 2007. A simple soil model for complex loadings. Proceedings of International Symposium on Computational Mechanics. July 30 – August 1, 2007, Beijing, China.

Wang, Z.L., Makdisi, F.I. & Ma, F.G. 2012. Effective stress soil model calibration based on in-situ measured soil properties. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 138 (7), 869-875.


UDM Version: 1
Release Date: 5 juni 2018

Category: Sand

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