Coupled Elastic-Softening Joint Model

The implemented contact constitutive model is an extension of the Fracture Energy Softening Model where the pre- and post-peak behavior of cohesive quasi-brittle materials subjected to various loading conditions is predicted via proposed fracture energy-based bi-linear elasto-softening behaviour.

Point contact stress-displacement relationship (a) in the normal direction and (b) shear direction


B. Pulatsu, E. Erdogmus, P.B. Lourenço, J. V. Lemos, J. Hazzard, Discontinuum analysis of the fracture mechanism in masonry prisms and wallettes via discrete element method, Meccanica 55 (2020) 505–523.

B. Pulatsu, E. Erdogmus, P.B. Lourenço, R. Quey, Simulation of uniaxial tensile behavior of quasi-brittle materials using softening contact models in DEM, Int. J. Fract. 217 (2019) 105–125.

B. Pulatsu, Coupled elasto-softening contact models in DEM to predict the in-plane response of masonry walls, Comput. Part. Mech. 10 (2023) 1759–1770.

Coupled Elastic-Softening Joint Model

UDM Version: 1
Release Date: 24 feb. 2024

Category: Concrete

Software: Download: User Guide: Contact:

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