Slope Stability for a Cohesive and Frictional Soil


Version Notes:
FLAC 8.0

Level: Beginner
Runs in Demo: Yes

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Three slope stability problems are studied with FLAC. First, a slope in sand with zero cohesion is modeled. Then, a small cohesion is added to the material and stability is reexamined. Finally, the water level in the slope is raised and the effect on stability is evaluated. The influence of a phreatic surface is analyzed in two ways: (1) an effective-stress calculation is performed after adding a pore-pressure distribution, and (2) an uncoupled groundwater-flow calculation is performed first followed by an effective-stress calculation.


  • Slope Stability
  • Mohr-Coulomb model
  • Phreatic surface
  • Groundwater Flow
  • Large strain


  • Sand
  • Soil
  • Water


  • Static
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