InSite-Geo Features

InSite-Geo Features

  • Import data from a range of common formats including SEGY, SEG2, SEGD, SEISAN, SEED, MiniSEED, GCF, SAC.
  • Event detection and triggering from data streams.Windows-based graphical user interface.Manual or automatic processing of event data with range of sophisticated automatic arrival-picking, source location and source parameter algorithms.
  • Rotation of waveforms from triaxial or quadraxial instruments into ray coordinate systems and display of particle motions on hodogram plotsDisplay of color-density sonograms and polarisograms.
  • Ray-tracing algorithms with complex velocity structures to locate microseismic events within a 3D volume (including anisotropy).Storage and management of event parameters and waveforms on a shared remote PC for easy access by multiple users managed with Microsoft's SQL server.
  • Display of the event locations in a 3D scene, allowing rotating, panning, magnifying and flying through the scene plus creation of hot planes and 3D objects.
  • Velocity analysis for 'active' data for velocity and amplitude information including waveform cross-correlation algorithm for repeated surveys.
  • Calculation and visualisation of source mechanisms and fault plane solutions.
  • Advanced interpretation tools including customizable charting of event parameters (e.g. b-values, magnitudes), display of preferential orientation described by events through statistical analysis of spatial distribution, uncertainty volumes, and cluster analysis.
  • Analysis of array performance through the calculation of misfit, magnitude sensitivity and error space.

InSite-Geo Brochure

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