
GInt is a powerful surface mesh intersector that can be applied to intersecting surface meshes to make them conformal*. GInt can operate on multiple surface meshes at once to make the meshes themselves as well as intersections and contacts between them fully conformal. Griddle meshing tools GSurf and GVol require conformal surface meshes at input and produce conformal meshes at the output.

Running numerical simulations using conformal meshes is often much faster and more accurate as such meshes eliminate necessity to interpolate numerical data between nodes and faces (all elements of the meshes are properly connected).

An example of intersecting, non-conformal meshes (left) and the resulting conformal intersecting meshes (right) after using GInt.

Meshes intersected with GInt typically require remeshing using GSurf to improve mesh quality.

New in GInt

  • Surface mesh intersector engine is faster and more robust.
  • New default option to keep intersected meshes separate and preserve all individual mesh information (the option can be set to merge intersected meshes as in previous Griddle version).
  • New option to separate intersected faces from any other meshes. This allows users to readily see which faces were changed (i.e., intersected) so additional operations can be performed on them.

*In conformal surface meshes, edges and nodes of mesh elements (faces) are fully shared between all elements connected to them.

*In conformal volume meshes, element faces, edges and nodes are fully shared between all elements connected to them.

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