A Numerical Exploration of Hydraulic Fracture Interference

A Numerical Exploration of Hydraulic Fracture Interference

Laboratory and large-scale experiments are invaluable tools to study fracture interference. To support this effort, we use 3D numerical simulations to predict and investigate possible modes of fracture interference and clarify the underlying mechanisms. The benefit of physically based numerical modeling is that it offers the advantages of unrestricted experimentation possibilities and repeatability. The qualitative aspect of the findings may uncover surprising results that demand experimental confirmation and may lead to increased understanding. A short inventory of cases of fracture interference, observed over the past 10 years of using a 3D lattice based numerical code is presented in this talk. The stress shadow effect is one of the main factors influencing fracture interference, and the effect is shown in a simple stress analysis.

This presentation by Dr. Christine Detournay (Principal Engineer, Itasca Consulting Group) is a featured ARMA Hydraulic Fracturing Community “Warm-Up” webinar.

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Webinar Details

13 maj 2021

Language: English


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