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Itasca Educational Partnership

IEP Research Program
IEP Teaching Program


MINEDW Tutorial (Part 1: Menu Options)

In this tutorial we will briefly cover the MINEDW user interface, its components, and the MINEDW Menu with the different options and tools it provides to build numerical models.

FLAC3D 6.0 Model Generation using the Building Blocks and Geometric Data Sets
Bonded Block Model undergoing Damage and Bulking during Simulated Relaxation

Continuum numerical modeling is inherently limited when the rock behavior involves mechanisms such as spalling and bulking. The Bonded Block Model (BBM) approach simulates the initiation of cracks that can coalesce and/or propagate leading to extension and shear fracturing, as well as the rock (e.g., intact, jointed, or veined) strength dependency on confinement.

Artiklar och presentationer

A Discrete Fracture Network Model With Stress-Driven Nucleation: Impact on Clustering, Connectivity, and Topology

The realism of Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models relies on the spatial organization of fractures, which is not issued by purely stochastic DFN models. In this study, we introduce correlations between fractures by enhancing the genetic model (UFM) of Davy et al. [1] based on simplified concepts of nucleation, growth and arrest with hierarchical rules.

Three-dimensional Modeling and Stress Calibration for a Complex Mining Geometry

Study stress situation for potential continued mining towards greater depths; stress calibration against stress measurements using numerical modeling; and use of calibrated model to study stresses at existing infrastructure, study stresses at potential future haulage level locations, and as input to local models.

Bergmekaniska analyser för Bolidens djupförvar vid smältverket Rönnskär

Rock mechanical analysis for Boliden's deep repository at the Rönnskär smelter (presentation in Swedish)

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