An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 1
Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 1 focuses on installing Python, variables and types, conditions and loops, and functions.
FLAC3D 7.0 Geometry Mesh Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to generate a 3D volume mesh from surface geometry imported from DXF or STL files. Both hexahedral-dominant and tetrahedral meshes can be generated automatically using the "zone generate from-geometry ..." command in FLAC3D 7. The results of various keywords are shown.
An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 3
Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 3 focuses on modules and packages, with a focus on NumPy and Matplotlib.
Artiklar och presentationer
GPR-inferred fracture aperture widening in response to a high-pressure tracer injection test at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
We assess the performance of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method in fractured rock formations of very low transmissivity (e.g. T ≈ 10−9–10−10 m2/s for sub-mm apertures) and, more specifically, to image fracture widening induced by high-pressure injections. A field-scale experiment was conducted at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden) in a tunnel situated at 410 m depth. The tracer test was performed within the most transmissive sections of two boreholes separated by 4.2 m. The electrically resistive tracer solution composed of deionized water and Uranine was expected to lead to decreasing GPR reflections with respect to the saline in situ formation water.
Raiseborrning i svåra bergförhållanden - Litteratur och praktikfallsstudie
Raiseboring in difficult rock conditions - literature and case studies (presentation in Swedish)
Uppblockning, markdeformationer och inverkan av strukturer vid skivrasbrytning
Caving, ground surface deformations and the influence of structures when mining by sublevel caving (paper in Swedish)