
Itasca concentrates on the interface between electrical power generation and the subsurface environment that we live on to help develop sustainable power for future generations. Itasca engineers work on a wide variety of geotechnical challenges associated with the production of electrical energy and any resulting waste materials, including:

  • Conventional oil and gas
  • Unconventional oil and gas, including hydraulic fracturing
  • Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)
  • Underground waste isolation
  • Power Infrastructure
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Kommande händelser
25 feb.
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the ... Läs mer
11 mars
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectives of the training: Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solveKnow how to manipulate the 3DE... Läs mer
26 mars
Python in Itasca Software
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