News Article

UDEC 7 - Pre-purchase now!

Passa på och förköp UDEC, Version 7.0, nu! Version 7 släpps i slutet av mars, och fram till dess sparar ni 15% på förköp!

Kontakta oss för prisuppgift!

Pre-purchase Version 7.0 and Save!

As a current UDEC version 6.0 owner, you may pre-purchase version 7.0 now at a 15% savings over the cost of upgrading after version 7.0 is released at the end March. Don't miss out on your chance to save!

Pre-purchasing entitles you to download and use the pre-release version immediately and the official version once it's launched.

This new version provides major enhancement for modeling capabilities, updated graphics, and Itasca's transition towards more integrated software.

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