MINEDW Tutorial Webinar Series

MINEDW Tutorial Webinar Series

Itasca Denver and Itasca Chile are developing a series of tutorials (in English and Spanish) on the main functions and capabilities of MINEDW 3D groundwater flow modeling software to be published periodically on Itasca Chile's YouTube channel.

Tutorial N°1: MINEDW Menu Options

In this tutorial (English | Spanish) we will briefly cover the MINEDW user interface, its components, and the MINEDW Menu with the different options and tools it provides to build numerical models.

Tutorial N°2: Visualization Options

In this tutorial (English | Spanish) we will explore all the visualization components that MINEDW has to offer, and all the options available to the user to visualize the model's components and properties.

Tutorial N°3: Boundary Conditions

In this tutorial (English | Spanish) we will take a look at the different boundary conditions available to the user, and we will go over some examples of different scenarios in which they would be used.


MINEDW stands out for its modelling speed, as the use of a finite elements mesh of triangular prisms allows for efficient representation of the evolution of mining topographies in time. This type of meshing allows MINEDW extreme flexibility in modeling mine plans, since, based on its vertical mesh adjustment function, new topographies and mining plans can be incorporated and modeled in a matter of days. MINEDW also allows for the incorporation of a Zone of Relaxation (ZOR), in which changes in hydraulic properties are modelled near the excavation surface of mining operations.

MINEDW has been used in more than 70 mining operations around the world, in different aspects of mining hydrogeology and water resources, such as the estimation of pore pressure distributions, the design of dewatering or depressurization systems, the prediction of local and regional environmental hydrogeological impacts, the design of water supply systems, and simulations of the filling of pit lakes after the closure of mining operations. Additionally, its graphical interface is easy to use, and its pre- and post-processing capabilities provide a powerful numerical modeling tool.

Groundwater model in for an open pit Mine operation in Chilean Altiplano.
Model to assess the impact of infiltration in the DR.



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